Thursday, April 15, 2010

Where have you been lately?

So that should be an easy question...but when I look back at my last entry date too much time has passed for a simple answer.

Homeschooling was one of the best experiences of my life. I only wish I had chosen to do it earlier. With one entering Jr High, we had to make some decisions. We wanted her to have all of the typical school experiences...but are highly cautious about the academics and the social exposures. We have been fortunate enough to find a school that we all love. That is probably the biggest change since I last wrote...

But beyond the obvious...what have I been up to lately? How about fighting with all my might to cut loose from the same issues that have hung over my head all of my life. I can't say they are as glamorous as something that may make the headlines, or give one cause to write a book. But it's those little things that hold us back, those things we tell ourselves make us inadequate and not likely to achieve anything substantial. That annoying little - peck, peck, peck - of self talk that weighs down the soul. Those are the things I'd like to shed...peel them off and leave them behind.

But where to begin...the root of what I know to be true.

Perhaps I'll ponder these things a little more often...not wait another 14 months to write!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So much to say...

Why is it that I can think of a million things to blog about during the day...but the actual act of sitting down and writing it seems to elude me. I wonder if it will be relevant...will anyone read it...will anyone care? Who am I referring to?? Not really sure...but I know they're out there! Right? Anyone out there? Helllooo..

Ok...thoughts for today. School seems to be the biggest topic on my mind. We will have three in school this year! Woo Hoo! Except only one will be leaving the house to attend this year...and only for half day Kindergarten. We have decided to keep the older two...6th and 4th...home. With me. To learn. Everyday. I'm feeling the weight of it all and while they are very excited...I am feeling a little overwhelmed. I know it will be an awesome experience for all of us...but on the front end of it is heavy.

Any words of encouragement?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A little like the first day of school...

Well, here goes. My first official post into the land of blog. It does feel a little like the first day of school. Will anyone talk to me? What if no one likes me? What if I have to eat lunch alone, everyday? Will I have any friends? What if I don't look like the rest of the girls? Ah...some days feel just like Jr High, don't they? What is it about us, our insecurities, no matter how many times I grab them around the neck and put them down for the count...they have a way of sneaking back up and reminding us that there are still days when we are not so sure who we are, or if we matter. But it is in those moments that I can take a deep breath and know that there is One who knows me fully, and He adores me. I'll let Him tell me who I am.

Hello to all, I'm so glad you stopped by. If you were here, I'd offer you some coffee or a glass of sweet tea...and a slice of banana bread, just baked. Welcome.

I'm new to this....but I believe a picture is often in order, regardless of the post. about this one. My youngest...deep into play...not worrying what anyone else is doing. The peace of childhood play.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Test into Blogosphere...

Hello to all. First blog entry. Let the fun begin. :) ~k